Study on battery hybrid for safer and more environmentally friendly operation
The objective of this activity was to investigate the needs and potential savings (environmental and operational costs) for the large icebreakers called ATLE/URHO class which have a diesel/electric propulsion system. Based on this information tender documentation could be prepared, depending on the outcome. The outcome of this study can be used for a number of applications within the maritime area when additional power is required during short time. The battery solution can be used in order to even out fluctuating operating profiles where the load is changing rapidly. It would also be possible to use such system as an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) aboard vessel performing critical operations.
Sub-Activity 2.1 – Tendering and procurement of a consultant
The scope of this sub-activity was to prepare the specification for and procurement of a consultant for the study on technical solutions. The technical consultant selected was SSPA Sweden Ab.
Sub-Activity 2.2 – Study on technical solutions
The scope of this sub-activity was to investigate the operational profile for the icebreakers and load profile on their engines and to define the functional requirements for the icebreakers. Proposal for technical solutions was done together with a financial analysis showing the investment and operational costs of the proposed technical solution. Calculations of potential savings in environmental and operational costs and payback time was also be included.
The study can be found here.
Sub-Activity 2.3 – Preparation of documents for procurement of the system
The scope of this sub-activity would have been to prepare the procurement documentation for a battery hybrid system, to be installed on an icebreaker of Atle/Urho class. This sub-activity will not be done due to the outcome of the study.