Activity 09

Project management and dissemination


The objective of this activity was to ensure the coordination of the Action implementation and dissemination of its results. The Activity covers the technical and financial coordination of the Action by the Project Coordinator – the Finnish Transport Agency, with the support of the activity leaders.

Dissemination of the Action’s objectives and results was taken care by the project management team. The Action was actively presented in different seminars and events by project partners, as well as taking part in TEN-T Days and other possible events organized by EU.

WINMOS II Action has been granted the EUSBSR PA Safe flagship status. EUSBSR is the first macro-regional strategy in Europe. It aims at reinforcing cooperation within Baltic Sea region in order to face several challenges by working together as well as promoting a more balanced development in the area. The Strategy also contributes to major EU policies and reinforces the integration within the area. The Strategy is divided into three objectives  which represent the three key challenges of the Strategy: saving the sea, connecting the region and increasing prosperity. Policy Area Safe (PA Safe) belongs under saving the sea.