Activity 4

Development of the Icebreaking Management Network, IBNet
The objective of Activity 4 is to make information about icebreaking operations easily available for all stakeholders concerned by winter navigation.
The activity will assess the needed measures for adapting the Icebreaking Management System, IBNet, for communication with relevant external IT-systems in order to make desired information available for stakeholders within the maritime logistics
This Activity is subdivided in five sub activities according to the descriptions below.
Sub activity 4:1
The first sub activity consists of desktop studies which are used at the basis for the specification of the new system. One study has gathered relevant issues regarding user-interface, system architecture and specific communication issues as well as experience and reasoning of present system solutions. The study consisted of interviews with system operators in different user roles, documentation of present system set-up and relevant background information. Another study for evaluation of different new technologies and platforms for next generation IBNet has been performed. Possibilities of different ICT architectures, modularity, data transfer, interaction with other systems and solutions for general platform selection has been evaluated. Possibilities to integrate IBNet to existing or future VTS systems e.g. the route planning system in the MonaLisa 2 (TEN-T) project has been assessed. Interaction with the Single Window system has been considered.
Sub activity 4:2
Based on the sub activity 4:1 a conclusive proposal for next generation IBNet system architecture, data transfer arrangements and internal and external user interfaces has been formulated.
Sub activity 4:3
Procurement and development of a pilot system. The procurement of the pilot system has been completed. Candidates for the negotiations rounds were selected and negotiations were held. Supplier candidates were scored according to selection criteria presented in the original ITT. The supplier selected to develop the pilot system is Dimenteq Ltd.
The development work of the pilot system has been completed.
Sub activity 4:4
Installation, testing and evaluation of the pilot system has been performed. The pilot system has been installed to some icebreakers and authorities who continue to test the system through the icebreaking season.
Sub activity 4:5
All stakeholders within the Baltic Sea maritime transport system are affected during severe winters when the whole Baltic Sea is covered by ice. A desktop study on desired information to be distributed from IBNet to a wider shipping and logistic community has been completed. The study consisted of interviews e.g. with agents and operators regarding what information they consider would help them to perform their duties for safer and more economically efficient winter navigation and logistic chains. The study was performed by Wega. You can download the study here.